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Logistik Pilkada DKI di Jakpus Didistribusikan
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Gubernatorial Election Logistics in Central Jakarta Distributed

Ballots and all logistic needs for Gubernatorial Election in 2017 especially in Central Jakarta start to be distributed to eight sub-districts. Later, all logistics will be cross-checked again by Sub-district Gubernatorial Committee (PPK) and Gubernatorial Election Committee (PPS).

There are 766,439 ballots that will be used for February 15th

"Today will be distributed to sub-district. Next, from sub-district immediately will be divided again for each urban village and voting booth (TPS)," said Mangara Pardede, Mayor of Central Jakarta, at Central Jakarta KPU Logistic Warehouse, Jl. Kali Baru Timur.  

Meanwhile, Central Jakarta KPU Head, Arif Bawono, said that logistic distribution, like ballots, punching pad, punching tools, lock, calculation form is estimated to be finished today. All progress, from folding ballots to distribution progress are already as planned.

Jakartans, Use Your Voting Right in the Forthcoming Pilkada

"There are 766,439 ballots that will be used for February 15th," he closed. 

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